Team Coaching
I apply the worldwide knowledge and experience with 4,000 teams to deliver a 22% measurable and sustainable performance improvement, measured over 14 Team Performance Indicators, within 6 months.
THE GO-TO Solution for sustainable High Team Performance!
“What gets measured gets done” is the old saying. It’s still true. This 6-month program offers Team Diagnostic assessment tool to measure changes. It assesses the team against 14 key scales and creates actionable results. The assessment provides metrics, a baseline, and a common language to team members. It gives a portrait of the team – how they interact, how they perform as a collaborative interdependent group. It is a self-portrait drawn by the team.
With the team coaching process your team will:
- Have a clear sense and understanding of their needs, wants, and goals and apply it to team, and not just the individual.
- Be able to look at their goals as a whole (the big picture) instead of focusing on individual silos.
- Have tools to work through specific concerns/issues individually and collectively.
- Understand that conflict resolution can pave the way for productive change, which benefits the team’s ability to achieve its goals.
- Have clarification of roles, new team agreements, common language, and increased willingness to be vulnerable with one another.
- Be able to communicate openly without avoiding any tough conversation and without fear of criticism.
- Have a clear structure of how to address new projects and work towards meeting deadlines.
- Have a higher degree of comfort and ability to be empathetic with each other.
This unique and powerful program includes:
- Team Diagnostic assessment at the beginning
- Initial debrief to review results (1-2 days)
- 6-months of monthly coaching
- Follow-up assessment