For centuries, the beauty of the lotus flower is seen as worthy of gods and goddesses.

And yet, the flower itself does not tell the story of its struggle; the muddy water and the adverse conditions are only known to the lotus flower itself.


 Others only see the outside bloom.


You want more – you’re just not sure what “more” looks like.

You want to feel free.

Free from resentment and self-doubt. Free to enjoy your life. Free to feel happy, loved and appreciated.

I can help you get there.

Here’s how you can work with me:


Create the life you were meant to live.

A 4-Week Proven Transformational Coaching Program will help you Stand Firm When Your World is Shaking.

You’ll learn concrete tools and frameworks to help you:

  •  Discover how you can have your circumstances without allowing them to have you.
  •  Know – “You are More” – Look at all the possibilities and potentials that are here.
  •  Uncover what is seeking to emerge through you by means of this experience.
  •  Determine to find the good and use these challenging circumstances to create a new beginning.
  • Embrace your Hero’s Journey and all of its components and discover some of the spiritual principles that supports you in standing firm when your world is shaking.

Blossom includes:

  • Pre-work to set the stage for our work together
  • 4 1-hour private or group coaching calls
  • Weekly assignments to take the work deeper


Dive deeper into joy, happiness and success.

A 12-Week Step by Step DreamBuilder Coaching Program designed to teach you how to break through to the next level of success in all areas of your life, without all the struggle and sacrifice.

You will:

  •  Break free from limiting beliefs and self-sabotage for accelerated results.
  •  Develop authentic confidence.
  •  Determine what matters most, amplifying your vision, and activating your best resources.
  •  Learn strategies for overcoming fear, doubt and worry.
  •  Use your current condtions as levers for achieving your goals.
  •  Understand the missing and often misunderstood elements of effective goal achieving.

Full Bloom includes:

  • 12 1-hour private or group coaching calls
  • Weekly assignments to take the work deeper